Proposed Changes- 2023 Admin Plan – Amended 08-2024
Ch. 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and Rent Reasonableness Determinations
Proposed Summary – Annual/Biennial/Special HQS Inspections
Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority (Lake MHA) is dedicated to providing decent, safe, and affordable housing to our participants, as such Lake MHA has determined that an update/amendment to the Administrative Plan is needed to sections 8.II.C, 8.II.D, and 8.II.F.
Effective October 1, 2024, Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority will now be conducting our HQS/Nspire Inspections every other year as opposed to annually.
The transition process will be as follows:
Lake MHA will decipher up to 24 months to allow for the next biennial inspection due. Please refer to your last annual inspection. Your next biennial inspection will be due in up to 24 months.
Lake MHA’s policy in regards to Complaint Inspections will not be impacted by this, participants or owners can still request these at any time.
In accordance with the current Administrative Plan, Lake MHA is inviting comments on the proposed amendment of these minor changes. This is notice of the 45-day comment period (due by September 30, 2024) and 30-day notice (effective date of October 1, 2024) once Lake MHA receives Board approval. If there are comments to be considered, residents will receive thirty (30) days’ notice of the effective date of the final amendment if there are any changes based on comments.
Lake MHA would like to take this opportunity to direct the attention of all to particular portions of the Administrative Plan, that have changed.
Administrative Plan: Applicants, residents, landlords, and other interested parties may submit written comments regarding the proposed Administrative Plan Amendments to Sections 8.II.C, 8-II.D and 8.II.F (transitioning from Annual Inspections to Biennial Inspections on October 1, 2024) to Lake MHA in person, by mail, or by emailing Theresa Lee,
Written comments must be received by 5:30 P.M. on September 30, 2024. The proposed rules may be viewed on Lake MHA’s website ( or in Lake MHA’s Administrative Office.
The proposed rules are subject to change.
Please reach out to Lake MHA’s Administrative Office if you have any questions.
Consideration of Extenuating Circumstances or of the Need for Reasonable Accommodation. Lake MHA may consider extenuating circumstances. Additionally, you have the right to request a reasonable accommodation. Lake MHA will consider the reasonable accommodation request if there is the presence of a disability.
Protections Provided Through the Violence Against Women Act. HUD provides protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual assault. This is true for women and men and is true for persons affiliated with the victims who experience imminent threat. Victims are still required to comply with the requirements set forth in the lease (including lease attachments). If you would like additional information about the property VAWA policy, please reference your House Rules or contact Lake MHA staff.
Questions Concerning this Notice. If you have difficulty understanding English, please request our assistance and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs. Your response to this notice does not preclude you from exercising other avenues available if you believe that you are being discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or handicap.