189 First Street
Painesville, OH 44077 - 440-354-3347
- Open 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mondays through Thursdays
Welcome to
Lake MHA
February 14, 2025

Welcome to
Lake MHA
Our Mission
The mission of the Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority is to advocate for, develop and sustain affordable housing opportunities for the residents of Lake County. We support and encourage residents to attain self-sufficiency while maintaining a customer-centered focus.
HCV Program
Housing Choice Voucher
Housing Choice Voucher Program
FSS Program
Family Self-Sufficiency
Family Self-Sufficiency Program
FSS is a voluntary program to help HCV participants become financially self-sufficient through employment.
HOP Program
Home Ownership
Home Ownership Program
Qualified families in the HCV program can purchase a house with Lake MHA subsidizing a part of the monthly mortgage payment.
HUD subsidized
multi-family units
Multifamily Program
Under the Multifamily Program, a family pays part of their adjusted income in rent to Lake MHA. Lake MHA receives a subsidy from HUD to cover the rest of the rent.Â
Market Rate
Market Rate Program
ParkView Place is a 40 unit apartment complex at 38185 and 38153 Erie Road in Willoughby. Six apartments are ADA accessible units.
Information for Landlords
All the necessary resources, guidelines, and updates landlords need to navigate the housing programs effectively.
About LakeMHA
About LakeMHA