HCV Program
Current HCV Participants
- 2024 Fair Market Payment Standards
- Tenant Portal (Now Online)
- Affordable Housing Property List
- HCV Landlord List – Updated 09/12/24
- Utility Allowances – Lake County
- Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)
- Homeownership Program (HOP)
- Housing Choice Voucher FAQ
- Reporting Changes
Lake MHA has transitioned to the new payment processor. You may now pay your HCV Debt or Multifamily & Market Rate Rent online through the portal.
Home » Housing Choice Voucher Program
Housing Choice Voucher Program
This program (formerly known as Section 8) offers low-income households an opportunity to lease privately owned rental housing at an affordable rate. The housing choice voucher program is a federal government program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly and the disabled with affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing. Participants are able to find their own housing including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments within Lake County. The participant is free to choose housing that meets the requirements of the program.
Public Notice:
Find Your HCV Caseworker
Please go by your last name to find your caseworker, listed below:
A-FOS: Laura, ext. 13
FOT-MEL: Katy, ext. 27
MEM-VIL: Megan, ext. 20
VIM-Z: Carissa, ext. 30
HCV Waiting List Information
- The Waiting List is CLOSED as of 11/20/23.
If you submitted an application, please click the link below to see if your application was randomly selected to go on the wait list.
After Submitting the Application:
- While on the waiting list, you are responsible for notifying Lake MHA, in writing, of any changes to your application information, including address and phone number changes. You may also submit your updates on the portal below. Contact us for more info if needed.
- Periodically, you will receive communication to update your information for Lake MHA, as well as when you are selected from the waiting list. Please respond to the communication promptly as instructed.
- Applications containing duplicate family member information will not be accepted. Only one application per household is allowed.
Fair Market Payment Standards
2024 Payment Standards – Updated 05/30/24
Effective 07/01/24 through 12/31/24 – 120% of the 2024 FMRs –
2024 Payment Standards (PIH Notice 2022-30)
Effective 12/01/23 through 12/31/24 – 110% of the 2024 FMRs –
Detailed information on payment standards and guidelines essential for participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Utility Allowances
2024 Utility Allowances
Effective 4/1/24
2023 Utility Allowances
Effective 4/1/23
Homeownership Program (HOP)
Applications may be mailed the Lake MHA Office: 189 First St., Painesville, OH 44077 or faxed to (440) 354-5008. You must be a current voucher program participant in order to apply for the Homeownership Program. For more information contact the Housing Coordinator today: Stacy Carlson 440-354-3347, extension 26.
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
FSS is a voluntary program to help HCV participants become financially self-sufficient through employment. You must be a current voucher program participant in order to apply for the FSS Program. For more information contact: Emily Hawkins – 440-354-3347, extension 17.
Rental Properties and Landlord List
You may view some rental properties for Housing Choice Voucher holders at Affordable Housing
HCV Landlord List – Updated 09/12/24
** Please be advised if you are currently looking for a unit to use your Housing Choice Voucher (HCV). Lake MHA has been recently notified of scams requesting money or deposits for available units. Please be aware, tenants are not required to put deposits on units before viewing with potential landlords. Please contact Lake MHA, if you feel there is an issue with any of the voluntary available units on our landlord list.
Q. What is the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
A. The housing choice voucher program is a federal government program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly and the disabled with affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing. Participants are able to find their own housing including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments within Lake County. The participant is free to choose housing that meets the requirements of the program.
Q. How do I apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
A. When the HCV waiting list opens, public notice of the opening will be made in the local newspapers, radio and on our website – www.lakehousing.org.
Q. When will the Waiting List for the Housing Choice Program Open?
A. Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. It is hard to determine when the waiting list will reopen. Please continue to look for updates on our website.
Q. Who establishes the contract rent for the program?
A. Owners may request any reasonable rent for their units. The PHA must make a rent reasonableness determination by comparing the rent being charged by the owner to rents for comparable unassisted units in the area and to rents being charged by the owner for comparable, unassisted units on the premises.
Q. Who is responsible for any security deposit?
A. The cost of the security deposit is not covered under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The family is responsible for any security deposit requested by the owner.
Q. I am a current participant with the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Who is my housing specialist?
A. Your last name begins with:
Laura, ext. 13 – HCV Certification Specialist
Katy, ext. 27 – HCV Senior Certification Specialist
Megan, ext. 20 – Senior HCV Certification Specialist
Carissa, ext. 30 – HCV Certification Coordinator
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program
Emily, ext. 17 – FSS Coordinator
Housing Coordinator (for Portability and Waiting List Questions only)
Stacy, ext. 26
Q. How do I report changes (income, household composition, phone number, email address, etc.)?
A. All Changes must be in writing within (10) business days from the date of the change. If there a change in address (those on the waiting list), phone number, email, etc., you must complete this form below. This form must be signed, dated and may be submitted to Lake MHA by mail, fax or email.
If there are income, household composition changes, etc., please complete the form below and submit to Lake MHA within (10) business days of that change (i.e. hire date). Please note, a change cannot be completed without proper verification.
Q. What is the moving process for the HCV Program?
A. Participants must live in a unit for the first twelve (12) months on the HCV Program. A family who wishes to move to another unit or another housing authority must submit a request in writing to Lake MHA and the landlord at least 30 days prior to moving.
Q. What are the roles for the tenant, the landlord, Lake MHA and HUD?
A. Once Lake MHA approves an eligible family’s housing unit, the family and the landlord sign a lease and the landlord and Lake MHA sign a housing assistance payments contract that runs for the same term as the lease. The tenant, landlord and Lake MHA have obligations and responsibilities under the voucher program.
Tenant’s Obligations: When a family selects a housing unit and the unit passes the Lake MHA inspection and Lake MHA approves the lease, the family signs a lease with the landlord for at least one year. The tenant may be required to pay a security deposit to the landlord. After the first year the landlord may initiate a new lease or allow the family to remain in the unit on a month-to-month lease.
The family is expected to comply with the lease and the program requirements, pay its share of rent on time, maintain the unit in good condition and notify Lake MHA of any changes in income or family composition in writing.
Landlord’s Obligations: The role of the landlord in the voucher program is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent. The dwelling unit must pass the program’s housing quality standards and be maintained up to those standards for as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments. In addition, the landlord is expected to provide the services agreed to as part of the lease signed with the tenant and the contract signed with Lake MHA.
Housing Authority’s Obligations: Lake MHA administers the voucher program locally. Lake MHA provides a family with the housing assistance that enables the family to seek out suitable housing and Lake MHA enters into a contract with the landlord to provide housing assistance payments on behalf of the family. If the landlord fails to meet the owner’s obligations under the lease, Lake MHA has the right to terminate assistance payments. Lake MHA must reexamine the family’s income and composition at least annually and must inspect each unit at least annually to ensure that it meets minimum housing quality standards.
HUD’s Role: To cover the cost of the program, HUD provides funds to Lake MHA to make housing assistance payments on behalf of the families. HUD also pays Lake MHA a fee for the costs of administering the program. HUD monitors Lake MHA administration of the program to ensure program rules are properly followed.