Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority

For more detailed contact info, please visit our contact page.

2025 SAFMR (Small Area Fair Market Rents) Payment Standards

Rent, Utilities, and Appliances
If the rental amount the landlord is seeking does not include utilities or appliances, you must
include these items in determining the gross rent (requested rent plus the utilities) of the unit.
You will find the figures on the corresponding Utility Allowance sheets that were included in your
briefing packet. Please make sure that you are using the correct Utility Allowance sheet (“city of
Painesville”/ “outside city limits” and house/apartment) for the unit you have selected.

The landlord’s requested rent MUST pass a “Rent Reasonable” test prior to being approved by
the Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority.

NOTE: The Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) must be completely filled out by the landlord
and tenant and submitted to LMHA in person by appointment.

Example of Gross Rent: If the unit you have chosen has a requested rental amount of $725.00
and a utility cost of $147.00 (monthly) the gross rent of the unit is $872.00 ($725.00 + $147.00).

**The family may request an exception to the payment standard if it is necessary for a reasonable

110% of the 2025 FMRs for SAFMR

Click on map to view larger image of Lake County, Ohio.